Denis Courtier-Murias
Denis Courtier-Murias is Research Fellow MEEM at IFSTTAR, at the Laboratoire NAVIER working at the Physics of Porous Media group.
His project here involves the development of magnetic resonance methodology for the study of contaminant transport in natural soils and building materials. I focus on the development of 19F MRI and NMR experiments to study soil contamination and 1H MRI to understand nanoparticles transport and adsorption in model porous media and soils. My research interest comes mainly from my MSc. and Ph. D. periods at University College London and also Post Doctorate position at Toronto.
Research activities focused on the application of solid-state NMR to understand collagen-water interaction and liquid-state NMR to obtain the conformation of amino acids and small peptides in solution (doctorate) and the use of NMR spectroscopy for environmental issues.