Senior Lecturer – Claude Bernard University,
Lyon. Pharmacy Faculty / UMR CNRS 5557 Microbial Ecology.
Faculté de Pharmacie,
8, Avenue Rockefeller, 69373 Lyon Cedex 08, France.
Phone : +33 (0)4 78 77 72 76 – Fax : +33 (0)4 78 77 72 12
E-mail :


Main Research fields

  • Nocardia ecology and evolution;
  • Understanding the behavior of Nocardia in natural, polluted and clinical environments;
  • Study of the relationship between Nocardia survival capacity, resulting from environmental pressure, and its resistance to several drugs.

Author and co-author of 47 peer reviewed international papers or book chapters.

University degree

2016: Qualification to University Professor functions, Section 87.
2014: Habilitation diploma, University of Lyon, France. Topic: “Nocardia, an opportunistic actinobacteria of increasing importance: from ecology to molecular epidemiology”.
2005 : PhD thesis, Claude Bernard University of Lyon, France, Topic: “Molecular and phylogenetical study of bacteria belonging to Nocardia genus”
2001 : Master of Science in Ecological Microbiology, Claude Bernard University of Lyon and the Graduate School for Ecosystems, Evolution, Modelling, Microbiology, France

Professional progression

Since 2006: Senior lecturer at the University of Lyon / Microbiology and Mycology laboratory UMR CNRS 5557 Microbial Ecology
Sept. 2005-Aug. 2006 period: Temporary Teacher and Researcher at Pharmacy Faculty of Lyon (Claude Bernard University)

Responsabilities, scientific animation and supervisions

  • Director of the French Observatory for Nocardiosis (Croix-Rousse Hospital and Claude Bernard University, Lyon)
  • President of the International Group of Research of Pathogenic Actinomycetes (GIIAP) since 2013 (
  • Attached coordinator of a biological resource center named EML-BRC, Environmental Microbiology Center of Lyon (EML-BRC,
  • Co-leadership of the working group « Technological Developments » of the BIOBANQUES project.
  • Supervision of 2 post-doc and 3 PhD students since 2006.
  • Supervision of 8 Master-2 and 14 Master-1 students.
  • Member of several French associations on bacteriology, ecology, vegetal and fungal sciences (SFM, CLSI, Stolon, AEMIP, AFEM)
  • Partnership with international research teams (Spain, Czech Republic, Mexico).
  • Reviewer for several international journals.