Laurent Lassabatere

ResearchGate ; ORCID ; ResearchID
Laboratoire d’Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés
Site ENTPE, Rue Maurice Audin, 69518 Vaulx-en-Velin, France
Phone +33 4 72 04 70 57
Cel. phone +33 6 71 83 87 21
Research Experience
Sep 2010 – present : Principal Research Officer – IDTPE-HDR (ENTPE)
Jan 2004 – Aug 2010 : Research Officer – ITPE (IFSTTAR, ex. LCPC)
Oct 2002 – Dec 2003 : Research Assistant – ITPE (ENTPE)
September 2012 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Université de Nantes
Sep 1998 – Oct 2002 : Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Laval University, Québec, Canada & Ph.D., Graduate School of Chemistry of Lyon, University of Lyon, Lyon, France
Sep 1997 – Sep 1998 : MSc, Analysis and modelling of biological systems, UCBL, Lyon, France
Sep 1995 – Jun 1998 : Civil Engineer, ENTPE (Engineering School), Vaulx-en-Velin, France
Research Topics and responsibilities
Laurent’s research activities focus on flow and mass transfer in vadose zone, including water infiltration at soil surface, water flow and pollutant transfer in vadose zone, and impacts of preferential flows on transfers in vadose zone. He combines several experimental approaches at laboratory and field scales with micro-observation approaches and numerical – analytical modeling to identify the physical and geochemical mechanisms responsible for water flow and mass transport.
In collaboration with the LTHE (Dr Rafael Angulo-Jaramillo, now established in LEHNA), he developed the Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer Parameters (BEST) method to estimate soil hydraulic properties from water infiltration experiments. Laurent is member of Management Committee of OTHU -Field observatory for urban water management, of the scientific committee of ENTPE and IMU (Intelligence des Mondes Urbains), coordinator’s deputy for the Master course environmental chemistry at ENTPE. He is also reviewer for several journals in his area of expertise (Journal of Hydrology, Vadose Zone Journal, Urban Water, Applied Geochemistry, Colloids and Surfaces, Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, etc.) and convener for sessions at EGU conference, and member of the editorial board of Journal of Hydrology and Hydrodynamics.
Skills & Activities
Skills : Soil, Water Balance, Hydraulic Conductivity, Hydrodynamics, Environmental
Engineering, Water Resources Management, Trace Elements, Reactive
Languages : French, English
Scientific Memberships : Soil Science Society of America, European Geosciences Union
Publication Highlights
- Lassabatere L., Yilmaz D., Peyrard X., Peyneau P.-E., Lenoir T., Šimůnek J., Angulo-Jaramillo, R. 2014. New Analytical Model for Cumulative Infiltration into Dual-Permeability Soils. Vadose Zone Journal 12/2014, 13(12-12).
- Lassabatere L., Angulo-Jaramillo R., Soria-Ugalde J. M., Šimůnek J., Haverkamp R. 2009. Numerical evaluation of a set of analytical infiltration equations. Water Resources Research 12/2009, 45(12). doi:10.1029/2009WR007941
- Lassabatere L., Angulo-Jaramillo R., Soria-Ugalde J. M., Cuenca R., Braud I., Haverkamp R. 2006. Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer Parameters through Infiltration Experiments—BEST. Soil
Science Society of America Journal 03/2006, 70(2). doi:10.2136/sssaj2005.0026 Lamy E., Lassabatere L., Bechet B., Andrieu H. 2013. Effect of a nonwoven geotextile on solute and colloid transport in porous media under both saturated and unsaturated conditions. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 02/2013, 36:55–65. doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2012.10.009 - Lassabatere L., Winiarski T., Galvez-Cloutier R. 2004. Retention of Three Heavy Metals (Zn, Pb, and Cd) in a Calcareous Soil Controlled by the Modification of Flow with Geotextiles. Environmental Science and Technology 09/2004, 38(15):4215-21. doi:10.1021/es035029s