Thierry Winiarski is Principal Research Fellow MEDDE (directeur de recherche MEDDE) on the topic of geology and hydrogeology application for environmental engineering. He is the head of LEHNA-IPE team (LEHNA 5023, team located at ENTPE site).
His research activities focus on the role of geological and lithological heterogeneities on flow and mass transfer in the vadose zone of soils and geological deposits. He developed a methodology based on the use of geophysics (GPR -Ground Penetrating Radar, ERT -Electrical Resistivity Tomography) to describe geological and lithological heterogeneities at large scales including the work scale (infiltration systems) and to relate these to flow pattern and the fate of pollutants.
He coordinated FAFF project (GESSOL funds) from 2010 to 2014 entitled « Fonction de filtration d’un ouvrage urbain – conséquence sur la formation d’un anthroposol ».
Thierry Winiarski wrote around sixty articles and several book chapters.