Jean M. F. Martins
Biogeochemist at IGE (UMR 5001), Leader of the HyDRIMZ group
460, rue de la piscine, Cermo C206, BP53, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Date of birth: 28.05.1967.
Nationality: French, Portuguese
Phone :+33 (0)4 76 63 56 04
E-mail :
Main Research fields
relate to all biogeochemical processes occurring in soil, sediment and surface and groundwater. Through original approaches combining the tools of microbial ecology,
environmental chemistry, soil physics and modeling my main goal is to elucidate coupled biological, physical and chemical processes that influence the speciation, availability, toxicity and mobility of all types of pollutants (including metal(loid)s, organic molecules or (bio)colloids in the earth’s critical zone (near-surface environment).
Sept 2008: Habilitation (HDR) Biogeochemistry of soil pollutants. Univ. Grenoble I
Nov 1993: Ph.D., Soil Physics, University of Grenoble I / INPG
Juil. 1990: Master of science 2, Microbial Ecology, University of LYON (F)
Juil. 1989: Master of science 1, Biotechnology, University of LYON (F)
Juil. 1988: Bachelor of science, Biochemistry University of LYON (F)
Professional experience
10/99 to date LTHE, UMR 5564 (CNRS, INPG, UJF, IRD) Grenoble (F) Senior CNRS Scientist, leader of the HyDRIMZ Group at LTHE and now IGE,
05/99 –08/99 Lab. de Physico-chimie de la Matière Minérale du BRGM, Orléans (F) Senior Research Engineer, project leader
11/1993 – 05/99 EPFL, DGR/IATE, Lab. d’Hydrologie et Aménagement, Lausanne (CH) Senior Scientist, Project leader.
1990 – 1993 Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble – UNIV. Grenoble (F) Lab. d’Etude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement (LTHE) Junior Scientist, Soil physics and microbiology
1989 – 1990 Lab. de Microbiologie des sols, Univ. Lyon I (F), Microbial Ecologist.
53 peer-reviewed articles, 11 invited conferences in national/international meetings, 150 conf. and posters